01 May, 2006

Stolen from one of the bolgers’ posts …haha but of couse modified

A ct your age?: Always act older than my age. This is the problem. I have never acted my age !!!
B orn on what day of the week?: Saturday I guess
C hore you hate?: Housework, taking orders
D ream of? Waking up to find my self in the world I want to live in
E ssential makeup item(s)?: Foundation, EYE-LINER, MASCARA, BLUSHER, AND contour!!!
F avorite singers(s)?: Faurouz, Elissa, Majeda El romy, Fadel Shaker
G old or silver?: Silver, Silver, & Sliver, then Plastic accessories
H ometown?: Never had one, still searching
I nstruments you play?: Depression !!
J ust one word for me?: Ambitious
K ids?: Angles when well-raised
L ies?: Without then life is tough! (Not major ones BTW)
M ajor thing you want to change? Every thing
N eed?: To libilize my soul and break the chains
O vernight hospital stays?: Once, when I felt down on my head
P hobias?: Planes, violence
Q uote you like?: Read the one on the top of the blog
R eligious affiliation?: Islam
S iblings: Hope never had any !
T ime you wake up?: Depends of the mood. When depressed I never wake up!!
U nique talent?: Giving advices! But when it comes to my problems..!
V egetable you refuse to eat?: 80 % of vegetables!!!
W orst habit?: Don’t know how to FORGIVE & FORGET
X -rays you've had?: twice, 1 for breast :$ one for the brain long time ago
Y ummy food you make?: Chocolate cakeZ oo animal you like?: All

Things scare me: love, affairs, Arab men, marriage, wars, earthquakes, death, graves, and fate

Things I hate: tradition, talking behind my back, disorganization, dishonesty, routine, sex discrimination, nagging, the short-temper, and my family!!

Things I sacred: friendship, love, loyalty, the sea, education, perfection, and personal privacy