I need a drastic change
I wish f I could live next to my work
I'm fed up with traffic
I'm fed up with my bosses
Arabs don’t know how to work in a professional way
Girls at work r crappy
Last night I discovered that my friends are fake
Last night I discovered that I feel jealous!
Just wondering why I like the wrong men all the time. Either married with kids or from a different religion
I need to quit smoking
I need to stop making accidents
I need to stop eating junk food
I need to spend time with my parents
I need to socialize more
I need to see Dr. Sultana for consultation
I don’t know if I have to call Hazem
I fed up with my double standard life
I like my nail extension
I need to relax
I like the new look of my hair
I wish if rama could visit dubai this July
I need to enjoy life
I want to go shopping again & again
i’m wondering why ppl can’t guess where I’m from.
I’m wondering why ppl have heart attack when they know where I’m from
I need to save money
I need to cut some expenses
May be I have to call Danya
I will not pay the bill again!
I miss my sister
“F” u r discusting. I hate you…aslan I hate every thing feek…ur accent, ur hair…the way u talk walk…ur laugh …I hate EVERYTHING EVERYTHING feeeeeeeeeeeeek..its enough that u r bakheeeel!
Today I prepared sweets for my male collegues at work…Sayed makes fun of me coz I don’t know cook…:S.
I need to date somebody
I wondering what life hides for me
I need to plan well for my life
Girls at work r crappy
Last night I discovered that my friends are fake
Last night I discovered that I feel jealous!
Just wondering why I like the wrong men all the time. Either married with kids or from a different religion
I need to quit smoking
I need to stop making accidents
I need to stop eating junk food
I need to spend time with my parents
I need to socialize more
I need to see Dr. Sultana for consultation
I don’t know if I have to call Hazem
I fed up with my double standard life
I like my nail extension
I need to relax
I like the new look of my hair
I wish if rama could visit dubai this July
I need to enjoy life
I want to go shopping again & again
i’m wondering why ppl can’t guess where I’m from.
I’m wondering why ppl have heart attack when they know where I’m from
I need to save money
I need to cut some expenses
May be I have to call Danya
I will not pay the bill again!
I miss my sister
“F” u r discusting. I hate you…aslan I hate every thing feek…ur accent, ur hair…the way u talk walk…ur laugh …I hate EVERYTHING EVERYTHING feeeeeeeeeeeeek..its enough that u r bakheeeel!
Today I prepared sweets for my male collegues at work…Sayed makes fun of me coz I don’t know cook…:S.
I need to date somebody
I wondering what life hides for me
I need to plan well for my life
Enough for today..khalas
YAAAAY ... Welcome back!!
We missed you :)
That was a fire storm of a post :)
welcome back
Girl me thinks u need to get away for a while.
go somewhere (if u can) somewhere u can be urslef, sleep on the beach in a bikini and no one knows who u r
BTW: Thanks 4 stopping by my blog.
'I will not pay the bill again!'
This I ought to do more often - Spend & forget.
You sound way too pissed off. You gotta enroll in Anger Management classes!
Hala Hala ..ana maf3osa! Tayeb ya Mr. Mashakel ::)
u guys have been missed too
It’s my damn money & I’m free to decide on whom I wanna spend it. Thanks for the advice!
Lol nice idea…wanna something crazy though
Yep...that'll do for a while!!....and I know where you're from ;D
am sorry ur feeling that way ... but that the circle of life .... i felt the same for a while and then i changed a few thing and all the pieces of the puzzel have started to fall into place that i wanted to be different ...
i need to quit smoking too heheh ;)
AD is missing u like hell ;)
Ah walla do u really know where I’m from..actually I doubt
Honey nothing to feel sorry about…its life..sometimes things don’t go our way…some ppl adapt to the situation others don’t
We have certain things in life that we can never change…we just have to accept them ..& ya u should quit smoking! Lol I guess if I could get ride of those who raise my blood pressure including the CEO, the owners, & the financial Director, I would quit…
Thanks 4 passing by everybody
tabaco tabaq tabac Tabak tobacco
Follow a manner.
Be careful to oversmoking.
Sometimes the cigarette is used as a tranquilizer.
I confess.
I was heavy smoker....Waoooo!
Ahlan AL - hows goes life :) ?
"I wondering what life hides for me" - yea me too. Just when I think, things are sorta getting into a routine - bam! life throws a surprise (often nasty a one) and derails my plans and serenity to Timbuktu! So now - I just take life by the horns - sort of a bring it on attitude :)
Quit smoking, save the monies from cigars and indulge in shopping sprees : )
Ahem...i am avaialbel for dating.. :-)
Change is good...sometimes
Maybe you can live in the same buildng :P
Bosses.....they can be a pain...I know
Some can work professionally..got fired by one when I was not professional
Agreed...according to my experience
Most of them are... :(
Me too.... :S
Different religion..hmmm...
Smoking sucks...
Accidents...car accidents???
Junk food has made me fat[a little]
Me too... :|
Me too...argh!!!
Dr who??
erm...call anyways...
double standard...I'm living three lives :|
Just today I had big nails dug into my back...ouch!!!
Relax is nice...
I need a hair cut...
let that person know you want a visit...
enjoy life...safely
shopping...thats all a women needs :P
where are you from...
heart attack..I'm too young to have one
I have no money...
me too again...
sisters go away.... :(
you really dont like this person...
My darling also sucks at cooking..no issues...
dating is relaxing...
life hides all the happiness... :(
planning too much is not good...
yes..enuf for today :P
hope you dont mind my huge comment...had to...temptation was too much...
you take care..& good to see you back...cheers..
7abibti U need A BREAK, get your self a ticket 2 somewere nice. Somewhere where no one KNOWS ur name or ur face. Ever tried of traveling alone, try it. You deserve it to pemper yourself & if u cant travel alone then go to a spa alone or get yourself a bakini and go to a hotel swiming pool far awar from town where no1 knows u! I hope ur luck wont strike bad & bring f to that pool at the same time... lol just j/k but girl get a break and have a sun bath or something tht might make u feel ur away from ur world for a while. Love u :D
this comment is not about this post!
i hope you feel better now...where are you? not posting anything...i miss reading from you! take care and have a great day.
hi heba..keefek? you have been missed.
take easy..I think you really need a "new look" for your life.
everyone does.
hi heba..keefek? you have been missed.
take easy..I think you really need a "new look" for your life.
everyone does.
update update yalla update : )
Whoa.. ur back.. looks like everyone welcomed you back n i missed the train!! well i'm glad to see u posting again!!! :)
Take up meditation -- it will save your soul.
I am so happy to see that you have decided to keep writing!
Your post is lovely,
Keep it up!
Asad al nimr,
Hey Arab Lady, that was a lot of thing you gotta work on, good luck and take care.
ya 7alwa,
Please stop by my blog there is a comment waiting 4 u and also PLEASE let me know ur fine.. ok delete this once you read it =)
Whatever been keeping you away; hope its life with miraculous flow.
Hello ArabLady
actually I enjoyed your Bleog
and its contents especially
the YouTub Video stuff :P
(i.e., "Wife Beating" lol)
However I wish if you have time
that you add me on the msn:
or live windows
here is my address: JiddEh@Gmail.com
good Bye :)
Loved ur post! And I have missed u, love //Imaan
r u alive? Haven't heard from you in ages. Maybe you've retired from blogging?
He has, also, translated into Portuguese the Wealth of Mations by Adam Smith.
He has been awarded several prizes.
Don't forget the name of this great author, you'll be hearing of him soon.
Thank you for spending time in Universal Culture.
Please don�t erase this coment from your blog.
Thanks for visiting
Ya hala bint!
Eid Mubarak and hope you are doing well...I am back :)
this might mean something to you...
My friend, Please!
Send an email to the Brazil embassj your country and repor the injustice that the brazilian courts are making with this girl
Release on Flavia’s accident and status of the process.
The resignation is to stop the evolution. (David Santos in times without end)
Thank you
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