In response to Sabra http://hometoronto.blogspot.com/regarding her post about me feeling sorry for us being Arab Females!!
First of all. Very sorry for not checking your blog frequently as I have been away from bloging. I even turned off the commenting option since June 2007.
Lovely post & lovely “Fashit Kholi2”. I always feel sorry for ambitious women for being Arabs. Successful ambitious talented arab women existing in the Arab World were obliged to sacrifice alot to reach what they have reached. Society sees them as incomplete. Your education, career, & achievement don’t justify. They are not counted. If I prefer to continue my education over getting married, I would be insane. Sympathy could be seen in the eyes of your relatives when compared with your younger peers who got dozens of kids. Even if they are not happy with their marriage, even if they don’t have financial independence, society sees them as achievers! they have made the right choice!
Two days ago I was harsh with a friend of mine who got deceived by a 45 old man who is married with 4 kids! I asked her what about his first wife? How could you allow yourself to sink into such a relationship?!
A woman is always a bitch with another woman.
Sometimes I feel that we deserve what ever Arab women grow through. Women accepted the path drawn by culture & religion. They submitted to the current situation & never tried to change neither rebel.
To every woman out there, fight for your rights. Don’t ever submit to the myth that we don’t deserve absolute EQUALITY.
Since this part of the world has us, future will have a better place & opportunities to the coming generations.
We shouldn’t lose faith.
One day Arab men wont be able to force their sisters to cover themselves, wont be able to force women to get married to their cousins…one day a woman would be able to take her decisions by her own & be her self.
comments r back!!
well written.
Power to you Arab Lady.
I really miss u
thx 4 passing by (F)
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