29 December, 2008


Anonymous said...

inna lilahi wa inna ilayhi raji un

sea life said...

Oh God please look after these people!!!!!!!!!

Arabietta said...

And the worst thing is the very Ummah we cherish so much has turned their backs on these people!

God have mercy....

Anonymous said...

is a pitiful sight! I will sell everything I have and go to Gaza,

I hope before the run out of virgins *up there*

Terrible sight. Sometimes you really wonder about humanity.

Unknown said...

the thing that no one has really commented on, is how israel is not allowing any foreign reporters into gaza.

i think, there would be more of an outcry if the international press were allowed in and could get the story out!

المأساة ليست الموت، ولكن المأساة هي الحياة في ظل هكذا ظروف، المأساة هي أن تحقق حماس رغباتها و تأكل فتح أموال المساعدات و يأكل الشعب أنفسهم من الهم....
لا أحد يستطيع أن يساعد الفلسطيني داموا لم يساعدوا أنفسهم
لا أحد يستطيع أن يساعدهم دامت قياداتهم بين خونة و لصوص وبين متشددين عشوائيين
لا أحد يستطيع أن يمد يديه ليساعدهم لأنه لا يد واحده لديهم

The Extravagate said...

Ena lelah wa ena elih raj3oon

7sbya alla wa n3ma elwakil,, alla enshalla bynt8m mnhom

it hurts when all u can do is pray for them ,, if it was for me i wouldnt think twice to go there :(

are you SERIOUSLY SERIOUS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

Snow said...

Salam :)

I wonder if Arabs have the financial power to stop all this. What's with the financial crisis. The jets, tanks & weapons need funding & oil(?) right?

I am not sure. Is it true? والله أعلم

Snow said...

Also, Palestine suffers paralyzing blockade - something Israel doesn't suffer does she? & this blockade is not just on a seminary, or a place, or a coffee shop - it's on the whole population.

The starved can also die.

I seek refuge in Allah SWT from errors. Kindly correct if mistaken. :)