Hehe Tomorrow I’m going on a blind date !!! LOL
Following the tremendous failure encountered last week meeting a “horrible 3ares” (yuk i dont want to remember), i decided to go wild!!!
Khalasssssssss I totally gave up on the idea of finding a perfect match or Mr. Right :( so I made up my mind & concluded that waiting for ever is not an option at all.
I’m having a blind date tomorrooooooooooooooooow whohoooooooo…well I don’t know if I can call it a DATE but my friend has been deseperately trying to arrange a couple outings with the friend of her boy friend lol sounds complicated huh?4 of us will hang out & lets see what will happen
If by any chance the situation ended up like the cartoon above I would be still fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ...hope so lol .By the way shall I buy a souvenir or wut :P? and if yes, what shall i buy?
Anyways, today I’ll go shopping & then definitely will go to the saloon to get my nails done :D
I’ll try to ENJOY! Will keep me updated!
Posted by Arab Lady at 12:14 PM 3 comments
Labels: Arab Men, dating, Life, Marriage, Personal Stuff
Happy International Women’s Day!

Continue what you have started & if u haven’t started yet START NOW
Continue your love, contribution, progress, persistence, & most importantly stand up for your rights
With Love,
Arab Lady
Posted by Arab Lady at 10:18 AM 4 comments
Labels: International Women's Day, women's day, Women’s Rights