I can’t understand one thing about Arab Men. Actually I don’t understand anything about them.
Why they are game players! Why they cheat? Why they play around with the woman’s feelings? Why they torture us just to have fun?
Do you remember the story of my friend & the married man?
His wife kept calling my friend yesterday! She wants divorce? Imagine she has two kids and pregnant! She can’t tolerate his childish disrespectful behaviors any more!
I agree with her. If I were her, I would go for divorce what so ever! The poor woman is pregnant; me & my friend are really concerned about her and the baby!
Her bustard husband is sick! I’m sure he is sick! To have relations with zillions of girls while you are a father of two amazing sons, husband & Muslim is shameful.
I really can’t digest what kind of horrible men you are!
Let’s pray for the women! May God fill your heart with peace! Even if I don’t know you, I really support you. The kids will suffer but at least it was their dad’s decision to disrespect the marriage bond.
Yesterday I felt that I’m so cheap. I have been deceived. I have been fooled. I was just a name on Mr. Casanova’s LONG list. I duno if he was testing me to verify whether I’m qualified or not. My friend tried to explain that men in our culture never respect the woman they date! They never think seriously of her. WHY!!! What a mentality! What about the girls who don’t believe in the traditional marriage!
I’m really tired! Tired of people, tired of the way they think! Men don’t respect the uncovered women, men don’t don’t respect women they date, men don’t , men do , men men men…
I cleaned the list of contacts saved on my mobile on the valentine’s day. I promised to stop thinking about wrong people I met in my life. I really wana forget the bad experience I have been through. My depressing friend doesn’t help me to do so. She is pulling me down but I’m trying my best not to sink. She will go to a physiologist tomorrow so I might join to give support. She is obsessed with getting engaged! Any 3areees around! Let it me know!
Quik hi to:
Summer, UAE Allias( don’t tell me you deleted your blog, I forgot to ask u about it!), Abed Hamdan, 3anooda, Feras, Abu Faris & Madamto! (stop eating man!), Sabra, Arab Women (Yalla Start Blogging!), Jumana, CLAAAAAAAAAAy (where in sharjah by the way!!), dinoooooooooooo & her Cow (mafi Hi to Hamoda taba3ik!! Ana my blog is anti-men), Habebti Digital Niqabi, Arima, Dubai Guy, D, Hanaaaaaaaaaan (tawli bali3 3al 3alam sitna ;) ), Karrrrrrrrima ( I don’t advice u to move to dubai karima), Faisal, Mohamad (how Is the new job)…Sha’raaaaaaaa 7abibty, Moe, Nash, Hajaj, Danah and every body!
Mmmm taba3an Mr. Khaled Nazal, Adel, & Mr. Quider (ya khayee batel tlatish fina!, at any rate, I dunno taltishak mit el 3asal 3a albi dunno why!)
I say Hi to North Star taba3an( thanks 4 ur sweet e-mails), John Orford, Gregory Delhaye (are u going to offer me a job ;) ), My anonymous readers who send me E-mails..
I am so excited, I will go to dubai Airport this afternoon to welcome a friend coming from Qatar ( I haven’t seen her for 6 years!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I feel I wanna talk talk & talk..i do have things to say about my work, boss, blab blah…
Yalla to be continued…
Yalla have a wonderful day..
Love you,
Arab Lady
There you go again.
Branding the Millions of good Arab men who respect and cherish their wives as one bastard.
I sympathise with your friend. And wish her all the best. Divorce might not be a good thing and judging after hearing only one side of the story is extremely unfair.
Has anyone tried to talk to the guy? And try to resolve the matters? It's a well known fact that women during pregnancy go through many psychological and hormonal disturbances and therefore not fully have sound judgement.
There's a lot at stake here, 3 lives other than her own and she really needs to think about her position on this. Try to mend what ever is going wrong between them. It's worth it, because they have a lot. Not only their own interest
Thank you for allowing comments again
Life in Dubai is really different than life in Jordan..here men cheat on their wives , even single men do have more than 19986765964774674674 Girl Friend!!
Even if the man has a peaceful life with his wife, he still dates and fucks other women..heek for no reason…yesterday I was chatting with my colleague who himself is Jordanian and agreed with me that MEN in dubai are exception! He admitted that in Jordan men cant mess that way! I dunno it could be becoz of prostitution in Dubai, the expats, the open life, I really donuu…
I’m very interested to conduct a study on Arab Men in this city! It’s a horrible extreme phenomenon man, ask anybody even males and u will get the same answer…
Men are abnormal in this country! They suck! Something wrong in their genes!
Hiba, nice to read from you again, even if it was just thoughts of complaint. .i enjoyed it!!
i am not going to comment about any of your thoughts, just good luck to your friend in finding a good man, and i am with the woman that her husband is cheating on her, she should not stay even if she has a dozen kids!!! he is not worth it! take care and hope to read from you soon...maa tawwli el 3'aiybeh!!
Come on .... I have friends in Dubai too and they would never ever cheat or commit a single act of god disobedience. You are extremely exaggerating
I -again- sympathize with your friend, but there's a bigger picture. There might be a chance to workr things our and make sure the children's best interest is served
Men in Dubai are just like men anywhere in the world. Some will be good, some will be bad and some will be confused. Don't think like that about all of us. Your fingers are not the same
Yay, comments are back on...
Hi to you too!!!
Ah well...some men are like that...it transcends over culture... don't think men only in your culture are like this... all cultures have their fair share...
للأسف هذا قدر المرأة ولا أراه يتغير قريباً
I don't think that you should single out men from Dubai when it is all ARAB men. I was warned by an Arab man not to date an Arab man. I'm thinking he probably knew a thing or two how Arab men think.
Hmmm, I hate generalisations. You've got a good blog going here but I think as with men, or women, or Arabs or Jews or whatever, there is Good and there is Bad.
It's niave to generalise and say all are bad just because of the few unfortunates that you've sampled.
nice post....
about men, not all men are like that...same as not all women are faithful kaman. It all depends on the person.
& inshala as long as someone has good intentions, and is a decent person, God will send u what you deserve :) Take care!
3ala fikra, how come I can comment on some but not all posts? hmm
Hi guys thx 4 coming by and dropping a line! But plz don’t convince me that they are some good men around ..they might be .00001 % scattered around the world!
I really figured out that being a single is something good after all…no nakad…no obligations, no orders from him since he is superior, no emotional shocks & no cheating and heartbreaks, no your mother has said that and this, no why u r late, no where are u going…….blab blah …THANKS God
simply coz the comments r off ...and they say men r smarter!
oye! I don't speak for or represent all the men in the world :)
who better to talk about our strengths and weaknesses as men than the women who share with us this life :)
I'm not so good in using blogs, so i didn't find where to contact you by email so I make this comment...
I saw you speak about gregory Delhaye, and i'm looking for him, it's a friend from London you live now in dubai but i lost his contact, could you send him a mail to give me my email jmp026@yahoo.co.uk
thanks, Jean-Marie
Hi..I am American woman living near the UAE. I happened upon this blog. It is really true. Arab men(at least the one in uae/oman) are really big cheaters. i can't tell you how many guys have tried to make relations with me and my expat friends. i am sure most of them are married...and even if they are not im sure they dont have any serious intentions..they follow us around lulu hypermarket..even follow our cars sometimes. it is scary...everyday i have phone numbers left in my car door...my best arab girlfriend's brother (who is married with a kid on the way) started texting love messages and to meet up...i told him if he didn't stop i would tell his mother...personally, i find the behavior to be so disrespecful to everyone....like an animal....i have lost so much respect for the gulf arab man since i have lived here..their behavior makes my life and my friends lives uncomfortable here just to do basic everyday things like shopping or walking on the beach...it is not any exaggeration..one dutch friend who is pregnant was followed to her home and had to call her husband to leave work to come deal with this pervert..what type of impression do you think that gives people about your countries? total hypocrites..it is so strange because you claim to be so moral and modest, but it is exactly the opposite..people in the usa are more modest and respectful of women than here..in fact, now anytime i see an arab guy coming with in 20 feet of me i turn and walk the other way....i have gone through like 10 sim cards..i am not sure why they think i would have any interest in a married guy or in them at all..i really feel sorry for arab girls actually..what they have to put up with...i don't believe when arab guys say their behavior is a result of the foreigner influence..because foreign men such as from UK, USA don't demonstrate the same behavior. i am not harrassed by them..and expat men are totally free to do what they want but somehow manage to keep themselves in check. arabs have a long history of having muliple women..wives and slave girls...it is even described in religious texts....taking girls as booty from the defeated tribes...and i can't stand posters who try to "cover up" the reality of the situation. the truth is quite shameful..so you should just face up to your problems and try to improve yourselves instead of deny them..also the men's behavior is very hurtful to arab women and even children who see their mom suffer..and children are sensitive and can pick up nuances in their mom's emotions...maybe they are a few good guys but it is very very few from what i have observed...really something needs to change.......
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