04 March, 2007

Rhonada Britten
I have 3 options:
A) Delete my online diary & go back to documentaing my thoughts using the traditional way.
B) Start a new blog without telling who the hell i'm.
C) Keep this blog but turn off the comments thing.
till now i didnt decide..
At the moment i'm reading Rhonada's book ' Change your life in 30 days' & here are some statements that caught my attention & made me really think about what they might mean to me....
  • ' When we make things up about the way people feel or think, it only confirms our low self-worth.'
  • 'Invest in the life you have to get the life you want.'
  • ' How you process information creates your perceptions & perceptions creates your world.'
  • ' Dont focus on whether or not you achieved your ultimate goal. Acknowledgments are about the journey to becoming more true to yourself, not the end result.'
  • ' In order to gain confidence you must take the risk you dont want to take'.
  • ' Our fears of failure keeps us from doing the things we yearn to do'.
I'm still thinking about each & every sentence i've read so far..am i gonna change my life in 30 days? this is the question!


I love those sentences you picked out. I’m in a phase where I’m questioning everything I was conditioned to do since birth.