The new play, “God Resigns in the Summit Meeting”, by Dr. Nawal Al Saadawi initiated a new war between the poor writer and the religious leaders & authorities in Egypt.
In fact I guess Nawal’s imagination went way too far this time with her brave creative & critical way of writing. To Islamists, Dr. Nawal has crossed all the red, blue and purple lines by describing God & his messengers and drawing a kind of conversation between them in the play.
According to an article published in the Gulf New, Saadawi Says "My book contains nothing offensive to religion. This confiscation is a violation of the reader's right to choose and judge the worth of a book for themselves. These people want to stifle our imagination. If my ideas are questioned and suspected, they should be debated, not suppressed. A work of art should be judged by the critics, not religious clerics or government bureaucrats."
God Resigns in the Summit Meeting looks into current socio-economic and religious issues in Egypt, according to Saadawi.
"I feel worried about the future of Egypt whose young people are denied a real chance to be educated and exercise their minds. Confiscation provides a breeding ground for extremism," she said.
I’m dying to read the play. I e-mailed Mugrudy’s Bookstore to check if they do have the book. I’m not sure if I will find it in Dubai but I’ll hopefully manage to bring it from either Jordan or Lebanon. In Egypt, they got rid of 3000 copies! 7araaaaaaaaaaaaam!!! I’m a big fan of her writings but she touched an issue that is considered sensitive & taboo. I guess creativity & religion contradicts as it does contradict with liberalism.
I have read some of her novels like 'Women at Point Zero','Women in the Kingkom of Oil','The Death of the Last Man on Earth'and some non-fiction books like 'Woman is the Origin' &'Memories from the Women's Prison' .
By the way, she's really lucky to have a supporting husband!