Have a look at this post http://desertpeace.wordpress.com/2008/04/21/is-dubai-helping-ethnic-cleansing-in-palestine/
Goodbye Karim!
Bye Karim
Today Cheif George passed by my office to say hi…I’ve been wondering about Karim, a sexy gentle Moroccan colleague working as a Taste Manger
Kareem has left UAE & the Arab World for good.
He paid some bucks to a 35 yrs old lady in order to marry her & get the Spanish Citizenship
Kareem left without saying good to me!
I just feel sorry for our Arab youth running after Europe’s promises & dreaming about living there
Bye Kareem
I don’t have any citizenship either ! Anybody willing to marry me?
Cheif George envies Kareem. He wishes if he could do so. He thinks Karim seized the right opportunity….
How many zillions of kareemz do we have?
I will miss u kareem
Posted by Arab Lady at 8:24 PM 7 comments
I really ran out of patience
I’m so sick of the ignorance & carelessness of a bank that should respect who inaugurated it
I already started to contact local newspapers in order to publish my complaint against Noor Islamic Bank
I really exhausted all tools of communication trying to contact the Sales department, customer service, Operations & Senior management but no response so far to attend to my complaint
No action no response
10 days & so far they didn’t fix the LPO
I want my money back !! along with compensation for the time wasted so far
Damn it!!
Wish me luck!!!
Posted by Arab Lady at 12:06 PM 2 comments
Labels: Car Loans, Islamic Banks in Dubai, Noor Islamic Bank
Quick Update- Noor Islamic Bank Part #12659820659898989
I just got a call from NIB’s Branch Manger after sending A VERY LOVELY E-MAIL
He promised to solve the problem by today " INSHALA"
i hate when ppl say " INSHALA"...since three weeks i'm hearing this word
plzzzzzzzzzz have mercy on this WORD For God's Sake!!!
Lets see what will happen.
He better do so before I send a hot letter to 7 days & Emarate El Youm!!! I would love to tell the whole UAE about the worst bank in town!
Posted by Arab Lady at 10:01 AM 2 comments
Labels: Car Loans, Noor Islamic Bank, Personal Stuff
Lovely Quotes to Start You Day With!

Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.
The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.
The secret to happiness is not in doing what one likes to do, but in liking what one has to do.
Attitude determines altitude.
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
Posted by Arab Lady at 10:55 AM 6 comments
Labels: Inspiring Quotes, Thoughts
Cliams cliams cliams ...a world full of cliams, based on claims...depending on claims....
thats what you would read on their website:
"Be it our people, our attitude or our philosophy and purpose. We are passionate about achievement, sincere about service, and caring about customers.
We are Noor Islamic Bank.
Our extraordinary dedication to you- our customer- , drives us to ensure that you always get the best of our highly evolved Islamic banking services. We are committed to setting benchmarks of excellence in our chosen field by delivering progressive Islamic Banking solutions.
We pride ourselves on our result-oriented culture, which is built on a customer-centric and service-assured platform. "
Here’s a sure way to put your life into top gear. If you’ve got your eye on that snazzy little 4-wheeler, we’ll help you drive off into the sunset.
Noor Drive - Unlimited choices , one solution
One of the most innovative and flexible auto finance schemes ever, here’s a multi-faceted auto finance package that's virtually guaranteed to offer a combination that fits your requirement, convenience and budget. And if that is not good enough, we also offer our customers four different way of owning the car of your choice. So go ahead, get into the driver's seat."
After writing a trillion word e-mail to Noor Islamic Bank, I received the following:
Dear ______
First of all, thank you for your time to visit our website.
I would also like to apologize on behalf of Noor Islamic Bank for our short comings.
Your email was acknowledged and forwarded to the Management and concern department and will be recorded in our customer complaint tracking.
Constructive feedbacks such as yours are greatly valued.
Noor Islamic Bank
any action from their side??? I doubt
Posted by Arab Lady at 4:21 PM 10 comments
Labels: Car Loans, Life, Noor Islamic Bank, Personal Stuff, Thoughts
Three days to fix an LPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want my money BACK!!!
Posted by Arab Lady at 12:07 PM 4 comments
Noor Islamic Bank the WORST Bank in the UAE
Noor Islamic Bank is by far the worst bank ever in the whole UAE. I have been really surprised by the level of very bad service. Does such a thing exist in Dubai!! it shouldn’t !!
Here are my reasons for not to choosing this bank:
Damn SLOW services
Zillions of mistakes in managing the transaction
Unqualified, unskillful, untrained staff ( I talked to three ppl in order to know what date I should put on the cheques)
Your Sales person will never pick the phone to answer your questions ( In your Dream)
Staff that blame each other/other departments for their silly, ridiculous & forgivable mistakes. I kept receiving calls asking if I prepared the CAR REGISTRATION in time the bank hasn’t sent yet the LPO nor the Mortgage Paper to the Agency!!! ( isnt a stupid question)
After getting the damn approval, you would wait for another ONE week till the “Mandoob” call you to sign the contract!
No flexibility: they force their clients to write the due date the first of every month!!! They ask for down payment!! Payments are due 30 days after signing the contacts at the latest ( other banks give u 90 days)
After two weeks of struggling back & forth along with wasting my time to , his majesty “the UNKNOWN”employee has sent the LPO with a MISTAKE!!!!!!
I’m just wondering what kind of banking services they had in mind when they inaugurated the bank???
Usually I don’t regret things I do but this experience made me really regret going for this bank.
And the drama continues
Posted by Arab Lady at 7:54 PM 6 comments
Labels: Banking Service in UAE, Car Loans, Life, Noor Islamic Bank
I think I need a bloody hit on my head to wake up from the laziness phase I’m going through.
I sleeeeeeeeeeeeep a lot
Physical activity = 0
Mental activity= 0
I wake up late
I go to work late
My Tommy is getting bigger & bigger
I go to the saloon for the heck of wasting time & spending money
Appetite reducers didn’t work with me…I can’t close my mouth for more than 30 minz
These days I’m seeing nightmares on a daily basis
I have short temper most of the time
I don’t feel like doing anything at all
I’m hesitant in making decisions! Nothing matters to me..nothing is important anymore…every thing is 3adi
I put plans but I never make them true
I’m not concentrating on one thing at a time…I’m not concentrating at all
Sometimes I wonder what I want from life
I feel myself lost & confused
I’m just unhappy & I dunno why
I’m really worried & I’m scared as there are a lot of things coming up concerning my job that needs full dedication. I shouldn’t forget that I will register for two courses in May for my masters!
What the hell is happening to me? it is not me any more.
What do they call such symptoms? Is it depression?
Posted by Arab Lady at 9:43 AM 13 comments
Labels: Personal Stuff, Thoughts, Work
خطرت على بالي فكرة جميلة جدا اتمنى تطبيقها في الوطن العربي. ( يا ريييت يعني)
معجبة بفكرة وضع الاب الذي يزوج ابنته القاصر ( أقل من 21) في السجن و اتهام زوج" الهنا" بتهمة الاغتصاب
ياسلام!!! ياترى كم من الاباء و الازواج (المغتصبين) سوف نضع نحن النساء في السجون!!
و احلى شى وضع صورة الاثنين على صفحة المجرمين المحتملين!!
الاجمل من ذلك في مجتمعاتنا هو اعتبار الفتاه التي في منتصف العشرينات ( عانس رسمي) و ان الفرص باتت شبه معدومة!
بسبب حب "الننوس عين أمه" الشاب الثلاثيني و الاربعيني للزواج من طفلة عمرها 18 سنة
صراحة و بدون لف و دوران أي شاب لديه مثل هكذا تفكير لا يناسب ان يكون شريك حياه لفتاه عاقلة متعلمة منفتحة و معتمده على نفسها
وارى ان اي فتاه لم تبلغ العشرين و تريد الزواج هي مجرد فتاه جد بلهاء قبلت ان يكون
سؤال؟ اذا الشب العربي يختار فتاه المستوى التعليم المتوسط و الثانوي،
إذا فمن سيتزوج الجامعيات و سيدات الاعمال اللواتي "نحتن في الصخر" للوصول لطموحاتهن
سؤال وجيه؟
الاجابة لي شخصيا سهلة: زواج عرفي يالاضافة إلى تنبي طفل!
و لا مزلة السي السيد بسلامتو!
Posted by Arab Lady at 2:44 PM 2 comments
Labels: Freedom of Expression, Thoughts, Women and Culture
In “Emarat EL Youm”, a leading Arabic Newspaper in UAE, there is a section that shows the answers of surveyed people about general topics. Today’s question was” Is beating wives justified?
The sad part is the responses of the women surveyed. I felt so very depressed to read the comments. They do agree claiming that some wives do tease their husbands & dive them crazy!!
Come on for God’s sake? Are we still living in Taliban’s era? Yes we do. Yes we do. Yes we do.
Arab Women deserve what they go through. They absolutely do!
If you are not brave enough to admit that you are a free human being with dignity, you certainly deserve to be abused & humiliated by those you made them your superiors.
I’m really sad.
: (
Posted by Arab Lady at 10:57 AM 4 comments
Labels: Thoughts, Violence against Women, Women’s Rights